Church 110th Anniversary

Sunday April 30, 2023


Anniversary Celebration- held last Sunday. 73 people (including 11 visitors) attended church and 62 the potluck. Special music was provided by the Chime Choir, Sarah Kirschenmann, and Vivian Cole. Special guests included Rev. Eric Zacherias and his family from Minnesota. He was a Vicar here in 1985-86. THANKS to Alan Gerstenecker, for purchasing the bulletins and taking photos; Charlene Snyder and Corky Nelson for decorating the basement; Charlene for delicious cake; and the Committee: Pastor, Freda, Alan, and Charlene. To those who donated $ for meat – it covered all but $3.15; clean-up crew; and Dan, Pastor, Avery & Bentley for the program following the meal.

Pictures are still on display in the basement if you didn’t look at them on the 30th. Extra programs are in the back – help yourself! Flowers and programs were taken to shut-ins last Tuesday.
